What I Bought Vs What I Used For My First Solo Flight With My 7 Month Old
I recently went on my first solo flight with my 7-month-old, and boy, was it an adventure! Before the trip, I was feeling a mix of excitement and nerves, wondering how I was going to survive the flight by myself with my little guy in tow. But with some careful planning, a lot of trial and error and advice from other caregivers in our Life & Littles Facebook group, I found a few baby items that made all the difference (and some that didn’t). Here is a list of what I bought special for this trip and what I actually used.
I’ll start with Boon is by far one of my favorite baby brands, so of course I went with their formula disperser. This produce has good and bad- the bad, its kinda an awkward shape so it’s hard to fit in my bag. I ended up using the little plastic tube bottles (no idea what they are called, but like these https://amzn.to/440jytm) in my diaper bag because they fit much better.
Now the good. It’s nice because these fit three feedings in one container. These dispense so nicely. We now keep this in our nursery for middle of the night feeds or we take it with us when we aren’t as cramped for space. Overall, I love this dispenser, just not for a flight.
I’ve been wanting one of these for a while, so I finally got it for our trip. I hooked it over the belly bar on the stroller so we wouldn’t lose anything and it was awesome for that. I really wanted it for during the flight, but it did not stay stuck to the tray so we didn’t use it.
I currently love it! We use it at eating out and for the grocery cart, it keeps the toys from falling and Dax from chewing on the cart, but traveling I think I would put it in a checked bag and just use these rings for the airport and diaper bag.
This is not the exact one I got. I made the rookie mistake of getting one without wheels, I’m not joking when I say mistake. This kept the car seat safe and I was also able to put a whole sleeve of diapers in it, so it didn’t take up room in our luggage.
Pretty self explanatory , but it made things 100 times easier. And I had it around my waist, under my Lille carrier so they didn't even count it as a personal item.
Some things I already had, but wanted to shoutout because they made the trip SO much easier:
All the Itzy Ritzy (surpise surprise haha):